A fascinating photo book of goodwill featuring the distinguished canine photographer, Anna Szabo’s Art for charity.
With all the class and elegance of table books, this collection of exceptional photographs offers not only the perfect amusement for your family and guests, but its story inspires and touches readers' hearts.
This book is to pay respect to Anna’s astounding effort to help victims of the coronavirus pandemic. By the end of her charity project in Sweden in the sorrowful Spring of 2020, she had donated 10.500 euros to two hospitals in Hungary and The Kennel Club Charitable Trust.
In this book, 232 pages long, are hundreds of photographs Anna took during her Charity project in Sweden, as well as a compilation of her finest images she has taken around the world the past years. It also contains various experts of the dog sport reflecting on pedigree dogs, so that we better understand the virtues that are to be appreciated in this exceptional collection of photographs.
The book salutes all those involved in the series of charity photo sessions. It follows our photographer's journey and adventures through her breathtaking photographs, and gives you a glimpse into her life in our country.
This book is written by Rebecca Govik.
By purchasing this book, you further contribute to Anna and author Rebecca Govik's philanthropy, as a part of the income for the book will be donated to the university of Lund's faculty of medicine, dedicated to support their research on corona.For further information and to purchase the book, please visit:
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